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About Us

The Disability India Network, India’s one-stop site for comprehensive information related to disability in India, is hosted by the Society for Child Development.

The Society for Child Development works for the empowerment of all persons with disabilities. However, it pays special attention to the development of resources for children and young adults with intellectual disabilities who form the most vulnerable sections of our society. Our vision for the future is that every such child or adult will have

  • The same access to opportunities and services such as education, healthcare and employment
  • The opportunity to use and develop his or her inherent talent to their fullest potentia
  • The opportunity for respect for their capacities and be valued for their efforts

Enabling them to be viewed as equal members of society.

The SFCD hopes to create a better world for all by:

  • Providing education and vocational skills training which allows children and young adults with intellectual disabilities to actualize their capacities
  • Creating and disseminating innovative frameworks and models which address their unique difficulties
  • Serving as a catalyst for dialogue to mobilize change within the government and society as a whole.


What are the intellectual disabilities?

The spectrum is broad, ranging from mental retardation to the below average category. Mental handicap or Mental retardation is a condition that is present where thinking, reasoning, memory, logical analysis and the ability to learn from past experiences is limited and well below that expected for age. This condition begins from childhood. About 8 – 10 percent of the population has this condition. Children who are slow in learning comprise another 4 -5 percent of the population.


The condition ranges from the borderline to mild to very severe. However, a majority (80%) are in the mild range. This means that the individual has the capacity of leading simple yet fruitful lives provided they are given opportunities that are conducive to their unique learning styles. Those at the higher end of the spectrum can achieve a lot more, provided, his or her talents are nurtured and allowed to flourish.

Summary of activities since 1992

  • Prabhat

    A special school for children with mental handicap where the focus is in imparting literacy skill and other life skills. This project is supported by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.

  • Raghudev Vocational Center

    For training young adults with mental handicap for employment. Training in this center is also imparted to youngsters with other disabilities like mental illness, hearing, visual and physical disabilities.

  • Production Center

    For the employment of persons with mental handicap. Employment is provided primarily for persons with disadvantages including poverty and poor literacy skills.

  • Early Diagnostic Kit

    For the early detection of disabilities by pediatricians, rehabilitation specialists/workers and researchers. This kit has been validated by Dr Santosh Mittal, head of the Department of Pediatric, LNJP Hospital, New Delhi.

  • Early Stimulation Kit

    For the use of parents and professionals for the development of early skills and school readiness skills. The kit has been extensively field tested in the Integrated Child Development Scheme of the Government of India, in a project funded by UNICEF.

  • Workbooks

    For the teaching of Hindi and Mathematics designed specifically for children with learning difficulties. These are available through the distribution channels of Pustak Mahal.

  • Publications and Training programs

    Books, manuals and monographs for parents and special educators. A Handbook on Inclusive Education edited by Dr Madhumita Puri and George Abraham is being published by Sage India in 2004. Two newsletters:

    • Jal Tarang – communication tool in the Yamuna project (monthly, and also in audio version).
    • DS-letter – parent communication tool (bi-monthly)
  • Yamuna Environment project

    Funded by the Ministry of Environment, this project initiated by the young adults of the Vocational Center recycles waste temple flowers into colors for Holi and handmade paper. School children from Delhi government schools will be joining in to ensure that by Holi 2005, no waste flowers will be dumped into the Yamuna.

  • Research Project
    An on-going research project examining the use of the Performing Arts as a adjunct to classroom techniques. This project is supported by Asha for Education (Arizona, USA) and Rotary International (USA).
  • Outreach programs
    Outreach programs into the community by training other NGOs to incorporate disability programs into their existing plans. An ongoing program is being carried out with Pratham in their Balwadis in East Delhi.
  • The Disability India Network
    A website that lists all organizations working in the area of disabilities and provides information relevant for persons to avail of the facilities and benefits available in India.
  • Art for Prabhat

    Art for Prabhat gallery, where works of art by leading artists of the country made on paper handmade at the Production Center are sold to support some of the activities of the SFCD.


The organization was started in 1992 as a National body. It is accredited with the Registrar of Societies, exempted from income tax under section 80 G of the IT Act and is permitted to receive foreign funds by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India (FCRA).

Executive Council

The Office bearers of the organization are Dr Vijay Agarwal, MD (Pediatrics) President, Dr Madhu Gupta MD, (Pathology) Vice-President, Dr Madhumita Puri PhD (Psychology) Secretary and Dr Satya Prakash MD (Pediatrics) Treasurer. Our Patron members are Dr Ashutosh Gupta, Dr Praveen Malhotra, Dr Narottam Puri and Mr Surojit Sen, and the members of the Executive Council are Mr Ankush Gupta, Ms Raj Swarup, Ms Lima Kanungo and Ms Estelle Desai.

Contact Person:
Dr Madhumita Puri
Cell: 9810003512

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