The OM from the GI Deptt. Per. & Trg.OM No. 14016/1/85-Estt. (SCT) dated 04.09.1995 is as under:
Subject: Relaxed standard of selection of physically handicapped person against reserved vacancies.
According to the instructions in this department’s O.M NO. 1/1/70- Estt. (SCT), dated 2.07.1970 (See Order 7 under Section 2) in the case of direct recruitment, whether by examination or otherwise, if sufficient number of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidates are not available on basis of the general standard to fill all the vacancies reserved for them. Candidates belonging to the communities are allowed to be selected under the relaxed standard of selection to make up the deficiency in the reserved quota, subject to the fitness of these candidates for appointment to the post/posts in question. The question of extending this concession to physically handicapped persons has also been under consideration of the government of India and it has been decided that the instructions of the OM dated the 25 July, 1970 aforementioned will apply mutatis mutandis to physically handicapped persons also”.
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